We went to Christmas Mountain in the Dells of Wisconson this past week. We had a really great time, we stayed in a log cabin that was just beautiful! This is a picture of the cabin we stayed in, Lauren is standing in front.
We had a great time with our grandchildren, Lauren, Josh and the Czapla's.

I really enjoyed spending time with Brooklyn. She is growing up so fast! This is a picture of me with Brooklyn sitting in the kitchen of the cabin. I really was a nice place to stay.

We took the kids horseback riding. They had a great time! It was Coy's first time on a horse, he really enjoyed it. I was a little scared at first, but as the ride went on, I got more comfortable. The ride was about an hour long, up the Christmas Mountain (a big hill) and down. I'm a little sore after the ride!

The resort also had a indoor water park! This is something really big in the Dell area, they are all over the place. Coy had a really good time going down the slide and playing on the water toys. I took this time to rest and enjoy watching the kids play, and take pictures of course.

Brooklyn also had a great time at the indoor waterpark. She tried the swing and went down the slide with her mom...I would post the picture but Lauren would probably get upset if I did....since she was in her bathing suit.

In the evening, the guys played poker, while the girls watched TV and played games. It was a great vacation, one we will do again.
See ya soon!